Life coach based in NYC, focused on confidence building and goal setting

Reaching goals takes action, and action takes confidence

Life changes and important decisions create uncertainty which necessitates courage. Those who persevere have the confidence to be vulnerable, welcome risks and accept failure. For failure is merely a steppingstone towards success, and with success comes true happiness.

My name is Yael Turkiewicz, and I am a certified life coach specializing in confidence building and goal setting.

My own journey toward life coaching is a long and exciting one. From a young age, I had a strong desire to help family, friends and coworkers with problem solving and decision making. Nothing gave me more joy than to guide the most important people in my life towards success.

I am a devoted wife and proud mother of two sons who have grown to be happy, self-assured and driven young men. I strongly believe that my compassionate nature, instinctive awareness and constructive actions helped shape who they are today.


Nevertheless, confidence and self-love did not come naturally to me as a child and young adult.


This all changed for me, unexpectedly, when I was thirty years old. The spark was a Pilates mat class — a form of exercise that has shaped the rest of my life.

Pilates gave me not just strength and flexibility, but a sense of calmness and empowerment. I found the intelligent choreography of movement to be both physically and mentally invigorating, and I quickly became an avid practitioner. After several years of a devoted practice, seeing and feeling the benefits of daily sessions firsthand, I felt a calling to share Pilates with others. Finally, in 2005 I decided to launch a career teaching Pilates.

Teaching pilates inspired my journey into life coaching

Teaching Pilates became my passion and I enthusiastically continue to teach regularly in present day. A central part of my teaching philosophy is to engage personally with my clients. It is therefore both gratifying and humbling to notice that my clients often share and trust me with details of their personal lives, seeking guidance and suggestions. This reciprocal relationship continuously gives me confidence in my authentic style of teaching. Over the years, I built many close relationships with my clients, and it is a constant joy to watch them thrive physically and to see their confidence shift in new, positive directions. With the emotional and spiritual wellness of my clients so central to my work, I wanted to explore expanding these relationships and ideas beyond the studio.

I therefore decided to pursue a formal education in the field of life coaching and became certified. The knowledge I gained was both inspiring and rewarding, encouraging me to follow this path with gratitude and contentment. I am excited to have the opportunity to share my skills and aspirations, and am committed to guiding all women towards achieving fulfilling and enriching lives.

I am so proud to have created this platform hoping to give women guidance in a safe, supportive and non-judgmental environment. I cannot wait to build new relationships and help all my client’s wishes and dreams come to fruition.

Together we will move mountains.