Posts in Mindset
Limiting Self-Beliefs

Many of us do not pursue our dreams because we feel we are not smart enough, capable enough, driven enough, or any number of other inaccurate, limiting self-beliefs.

Regardless of when or how these thoughts came to be, we can all recalibrate our thinking and develop a fresh attitude towards ourselves. No matter how long these thoughts and feelings have lingered, we can reverse them and adopt a positive mindset moving forward.

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It's that time of year again!

The end of each year is a time of self-reflection. We ponder about the year that passed and how we can improve the year ahead. At the end of every year, I always have a resolution, a behavior I want to change that will bring me more balance in the year ahead. Yet, despite my best intentions, I have often struggled to see the task through. I start strong, only to lose my way and momentum soon after.

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Failure is your best friend

Judy Blume, a renowned American writer of children’s, young adult and adult fiction books faced continued rejection before finally becoming published. She had said, “I would go to sleep at night feeling that I’d never be published. But I’d wake up in the morning convinced I would be.” Each new day symbolized a fresh new page and was filled with optimistic determination. She admitted that rejection and criticism hurt, yet she continued to write with relentless fortitude.

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